Have you heard all of these Songs About Paintings? We know you'll find some new tunes. Here are 20 of our favorites.
From the album, Hall of Fame, released on June 11, 2021
From the album, Pain Paints Paintings, released on October 15, 2021
From the album, Lewis Del Mar, released on October 7, 2016
From the album, Prologue, released on June 21, 2017
From the album, Paintings, released on February 19, 2021
From the album, Paintings, released on February 9, 2021
From the album, Mind The Moon, released on November 15, 2019
From the album, Staring Through, released on July 23, 2020
From the album, Magnetica, released on May 5, 2014
From the album, Say I Am You, released on December 20, 2005
From the album, Akumajo Dracula X Gekka no Nocturne Original Game Soundtrack SELECTION, released in 1997
From the album, When Life Gives You Lemons, You Paint That Shit Gold, released on April 22, 2008
From the album, Paintings In My Mind, released in 1990
From the album, Zdenka 2080, released on August 30, 2019
From the album, paintings, released on January 10, 2020
From the album, Image Paintings In A Reading Key, released on November 22, 2020
From the album, Able Bodies, released on November 13, 2012
From the album, Gospel, released on May 23, 2011
From the album, 1000 Days, released on September 25, 2015
From the album, Paintings, released on June 17, 2022
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